Time for a Major Reset: Restore and Reduce
© By Ariane Janér | March 2022
In 1937, when David Attenborough was a boy, the earth was populated by 2.3 billion people, there was still an estimated 66% of wilderness left and carbon emissions were at 280 ppm. By 1970, the Earth’s Bio Capacity was just enough to absorb the Human Ecological Footprint of 3.7 billion people. Carbon emissions had grown to 326 ppm. Since then we have increased our footprint overstepped the earth’s capacity. Today, with 7.8 billion people consuming more resources per capita than 50 years ago, there is just 35 percent of wilderness left, wild animals are just 4 % of animal biomass and carbon emissions are 415 ppm. We now use up all the earth’s bio capacity in 8 months. And the effects of this are getting clearer and clearer. The latest 2021 report of the usefully careful IPCC now says: